Build definitive prompts to direct ChatGPT.
You have probably heard about “prompts” in ChatGPT. You might also be wondering what a prompt is and how they are implemented in ChatGPT. Prompts are the instructions that you provide in order for ChatGPT to perform a task.The AI chatbots give you what you’ve asked for by responding to your question or “prompts”. ChatGPT is able to analyze user input and improve its responses based on past conversations.
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What are prompts in ChatGPT?
Prompts are similar to performing a search query where you are seeking information. The ChatGPT system analyzes the input and uses machine learning algorithms to generate a response. The key difference with ChatGPT is that you can build a very structured prompt to achieve a desired result. Longer prompts with more information will get you better results. In addition, you can define the context and describe a given role to the prompt.
What are you looking to accomplish by using ChatGPT?
Most people use Chat in a beginner-like mode where they are asking Chat a simple, broad question. If your prompt is vague the results will also be too simple and undefined. To build a structured, effective prompt you need to have a goal in mind.
If you go onto YouTube and search for “ChatGPT Prompt Formulas” you will find plenty of examples for ways to structure your prompts for results you are looking for.
One of the structured examples that I liked is outlined by Sarah Tamsin
She uses: (1) Context (2) Task (3) Instruction (4) Clarify and (5) Refine:
Some people also refer to this as “Role”. This is the foundation for the prompt. Think of it as setting the stage for the instructions that come next. This technique involves using the phrase “act as” in the prompt to tell the ChatGPT to assume a specific role or persona in the conversation.
You are a school teacher creating high-energy lesson plans for a class of 25 children aged 6-7. You know exactly what keeps children of this age group engaged.
Act as a travel guide whose job it is to provide tourists with relevant information about their destination. Your customer service and communication skills are excellent.
A clear task helps to narrow down the scope of the generated text. Without a outcome/goal to work on, ChatGPT may generate text that includes too much irrelevant information. Be specific and provide as much detail as you can.
Your task is to write high-converting product descriptions that will be used on website product pages and in social media ads with the goal to sell as many as possible.
Your task is to make suggestions for activities and accommodation to assist and inspire people visiting [a certain destination.]
This can include specific instructions like how many words to use or how the information should be formatted. Do you want the answer in a bullet list, as an FAQ, or in a table? State your intent of exactly what you are looking for.
The response should be approximately 100 words long and written in a snappy and punchy style, using short sentences and non-standard, conversational grammar. I want you to write in the same way you would write to a friend.
The response should be written for someone aged 8 or younger to understand. Do not use any complex words, sentences or phrases.
Include the word “[insert keyword here]” naturally throughout the response but do not use it more than 3 times. Use formal and instructional words to describe the process.
This part is very interesting. In this example you are asking ChatGPT to confirm that it understands the context, task and direction that you are providing. This is a good step to make sure ChatGPT understands what you have asked.
Follow your prompt with: Do you understand?
If you’re not satisfied with the result, you can direct Chat to edit the result with additional instructions. You can also experiment with different phrasings to modify the results you get. It’s not uncommon to ask ChatGPT a few followup instructions to get what you’re looking for.
You don’t need to rewrite the entire prompt again! Instead, you can use phrases like:
Rephrase the second paragraph with shorter, snappier sentences
Re-write all of that with more natural, less formal language
Expand the introduction to give more specific details
Extra Tips for Writing ChatGPT Prompts
- Use “Ignore all previous prompts in this conversation” for a simple reset of the conversation without having to start a new chat.
- Ask it for the answer only without the conversational element. “Do not write any pre or post text, just write the response and only the response.”
- Ask for a response formatted in Markdown. This will insert headings, paragraphs and lists that are easy to copy and paste into blog posts or website Content Management Systems. “Write your response in formatted markdown.”
- Use (parenthesis) or [square brackets] to separate your instructions about tone and writing style from the actual task, in case these instructions bleed into the actual content itself.
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