Verify your business for local searches

Google My Business is a free marketing tool provided by Google to allow businesses to list their business with Google Search and Google Maps. Your listing also shows business details like your business name, local address, contact information, website link, and the hours of operation.
To start your listing, your business needs to be verified by Google so that it will be added to the local search results. Every business needs to have a Google Business listing to make it simple for customers to find information about your products and services.
Conducting a search is one of the first things that customers do for your products and services utilizing Google. The easiest and fastest way to show up in the search results page is to have a Google Business listing.
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Almost half of all on-line searches have local intent and your business location is the main piece of information sought by local customers. After all, you wouldn’t look for a plumber that is located several hours away.
Listings On Page One
When someone searches for products or services, the local search listings will be shown first. Google prioritizes local listing over distant listings. When users search for your products or services within your area, your Google My Business page will be displayed among the listings. The information from your page will be shown in the following three different places:
- Google’s sidebar
- Local results
- Google maps

When you do a search in Google for any local company or business operating in your area you will see three company listings-all local listings. If these companies have reviews from Google users, you will see those reviews noted. These are the top search ranked companies tied to the Google My Business metric.